Donald Trump to American voters: Trust me ! economy will soar in 2021

Donald Trump to American voters: Trust me ! economy will soar in 2021
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American presidential elections are in coming month and heat is building in white house. Every bit of time is making it at higher level, leaders are taking their positions. American Economy had seen a historical de-growth in the present scenario. President Trump assured American voters that their trust in him will make economy soar in 2021.

“This is a transition period to greatness.” While fourth quarter is expected ahead in October-November, Trump is claiming for good figures to show the rising of economy again.

“We built the greatest economy in the world” Trump mentioned their economical view about coming future of America. Trump shows a new dream to American voters to trust about US economy. Many of specialists are narrating it just a ‘political Jumla’ . However, future will decide that this dreams will come true or just a false hope.

Economist views

However, Economist views are different than above points. Many of them are pointing that it will take more time to recover economically. Basically, current situation will cause recession in coming time. While economical Lockdown in major cities will increase its severity.

COVID-19 still a threat to mankind and we will have to take more time to recover. Some clinical trials of vaccination are floating on NEWS, but we are far from actual trials. We can not predict exact timeline when Corona period will be over and things will be back to normal. Only then economical activity will be on full swing. This transition period is unpredictable with such short time span.

At other hand, trade war between two major economic giant are still in game. Both America and China are influencing world on their own way. It is affecting US to recover from this economic storm.

Of course, US’s issues with WHO are not playing any vital role but might be a major cause in future. In other News, Trump blames WHO as ‘puppet’ of China for his biased nature. World is facing consequences of COVID-19, which was originated in Wuhan city of China. But China never takes any responsibility and took some odd decisions. US president had called it a Chinese virus as it started from China.

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