Lockdown 4 Updates Live : 5 Zones with new guidelines

Lockdown 4 Updates Live : 5 Zones with new guidelines
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Corona Meter is getting higher during time . No of COVID-19 cases are increasing rapidly. No of deaths per day are really shocking. But we get a relief when we see cured cases in India. After imposing Lockdown in March, Government had no option but to increase its time duration. However, new relaxations and relief are provided by Authorities for people. After speech of PM Modi, everyone was expecting for increment in time limit of lockdowm. So here it is, Government had announce Lockdown 4 upto 31st May 2020. In Lockdown 4 live, some of new zones are introduced along with guidelines, so total 5 zone will be there.

5 Zones with Guidelines

Lockdown 4 Live 5 Zones
S.N.ZonesAllowed List
1Containment ZoneThis is HOT spot area or exact location in the city where Corona Patient are found. Maximum restrictions is imposed here along with all rules and regulations.No daily activity or economic activity is allowed here. Essential services are allowed along with Government Nod.
2Buffer ZoneThe is nearby area of containmentzone which is suspected for Corona chain. This area is havimg many restriction but essential services are allowed. Limited daily and economic activity is allowed through local authority approval.
3Red ZoneThese are the area where lot of Covid-19 positive cases are found. Government had imposed many restrictions on human and economic activity in this zone. However essential activity allowed. Curfew is imposed from 7 pm evening to 7 am in the morning . Senior citizen older than 65 years, children, pregnant woman and patients are not allowed to go out of their houses.
4Orange ZoneThese are the place where only few Covid-19 positive cases are reported. And continous improvement is in these area. Government had provided some relief during lockdown 
5Green ZoneHere no Covid-19 cases are present. Government has allowed People complete their personal chores with ease of life. Use of Mask and Social Distancing is necessary
Lockdown 4 Live 5 Zones

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