Why so confused ? Protest Vs Revolution in India

Why so confused ? Protest Vs Revolution in India
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Really its a great time to get a deeper dive for getting fine line among protest vs Revolution. In India, when we utter any of these word, we get a imaginary glimpse of huge crowd having poster and banners. Some of those leading person (Leaders, campaigners or protesters) might get our attention getting soaked in Media Focus. In India, Many news channels, reporters, Police and local leaders will be strengthening and managing gathering. Maximum people can be seen shouting on something while some of them might be discussing on some random gossips.

Students can definitely be sighted in any of the big protest/Revolution in India who are having no concerns with above. In other words, we can say that Students are not having basic information of Protest Vs Revolution in India. We can sense that they are just wasting precious time of their life. When we see that these things are getting louder, crowd may be more violent and aggressive. Which actually is a major concern for any human society. Government have to take appropriate actions to counter these actions.

So, we must have a good knowledge to avoid traps during such cases. This topic will cover these concerns in details for a better understanding.


Word “Protest” is hereby used for being witness in event or situations with some common agenda. Generally, in India, a Mass or crowd is easily available for demonstrating their opinion against any policy, action or issue.


Many of people were reported having not even a basic knowledge about agenda. But they are protesting to influence only. Having no knowledge of points of protest, often things gets uncontrolled as number of people increases. Sometimes, we had also seen that outrages, militants took benefit of such crowd to target their actions.

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing” is a major concern for any human society. Common people are just a “Shield” for militants and Police or Army is helpless in these cases. To protect people in such cases is really a Herculean task. People must understand this as any action taken may harm themselves.

” Grinds mashed with wheat” suits about our students. We really disappoint when a group of students just start protesting without having some proper reason or cause. We know that students are like ” The waterless sky can spill”, who are easy target for political leaders.



Word ” Revolution” strikes our mind where a major change of political power in any state or country. History and political science had been witnessed of many Resolutions in world. Often it includes mass destruction. It is a common phenomenon in human history and will be in future also. Revolution impact us in both ways Negative and Positive wherever it takes place. Both political power (New and old) struggle each other and causes some side effects. We have to bear these side effects for any Resolution.

Many countries has also faced Revolution with a major destruction while others has accepted without such concerns. All of them teaches us that we should be flexible enough for good idea or initiatives. On the other hand we must be firm enough against poor or bad policies to sustain human being on earth.

We always learn from our history to avoid those mistakes in future. We have to integrate ourselves with the passage of time to achieve best human society ever. Now, things are clear enough about protest vs revolution in India for our readers.

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